Payment Terms:
All transactions are processed in USD (U.S. dollar) unless otherwise specified.
We accept the following payment methods for online purchases:
- Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
- Debit Cards: Visa, Mastercard,
- PayPal,
- Cash on Delivery
Terms of Billing:
Your payment details are encrypted and secured using industry-standard protocols to ensure your information remains safe.
Your payment method will be authorized for the total order amount upon checkout. Additional verification may be required in some cases.
Prices are displayed in your selected currency. Currency conversion rates may apply for international orders.
Upon successful payment processing, you’ll receive an order confirmation email with all details. Review it carefully for accuracy.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding billing terms and conditions, please contact our customer service team at our Contact us page, Contact number +1 (616) 871-1322 or mail us at “2138 SUNRISE BOULEVARD, FORT MYERS, FL 33907, UNITED STATES”.